The Patrol Division of the Stone County Sheriff's Office patrols the 660 square miles that comprise Stone County, enforcing state laws and county ordinances. The Deputies are responsible for patrolling the county roads and providing a visible presence to help deter crime. Deputies respond to offenses in-progress calls, and work accidents, and answer complaint calls. Deputies also serve warrants, civil process papers, and writs, and assist the public as part of the vast array of related duties.
Several of the Deputies have extended duties as well. These include sex offender registration, Crisis Intervention Teams, Professional instructors, domestic violence, and school and youth programs designed to warn children of the dangers of drugs and alcohol and assist families in need. Deputies also assist other law enforcement agencies in Stone County and surrounding areas when called upon, and assist in investigations and the service of arrest and search warrants.
SC-506 Deputy Travis Shepherd
SC-507 Deputy Jason Jordan
SC-508-Corporal Eric Moore
SC 509 Deputy Brad Breeding
SC-510 Sergeant Billy Cockrell
SC-511 Deputy Mark Simino
SC-512 Deputy Justin Smith ***Retired***
SC-531 Deputy Chris Clark
Part-Time Deputies
SC 518 Sergeant Steve Marsee (Baliff)
SC 520- Deputy Chip Doss
SC 522-Reserve Sergeant Michael Stewart
SC 523 Deputy Allen Estes
SC 529 Deputy Bob Cook
SC521 Deputy John Crisman (Baliff)
Last Call
Sergeant Mark Long August 2017
Sergeant Mike Stephens July 2019
Deputy Justin Smith January 2024