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Message from Sheriff Bonds

Date: 03/05/2022

As winter makes way for spring, we at the Stone County Sheriff's Office are reminded that this season is a great time in our community - a time of refreshing energy and renewed activity. Whether it's at a special event at a public park or a cookout in your backyard, this is a great time of year to enjoy the great outdoors.


If our officers - including our reserve officers - can help with traffic control or security monitoring at special events, please call us well in advance of a scheduled event. If at all possible, we will help provide coverage for your special events.


We also want to remind you that with the warmer weather, children may be playing near roads. Please take extra caution and slow down when driving through residential neighborhoods. And remember, children learn by watching us. If you're traveling with a child, please model good driving habits, including:


  • Wear your seat belt.
  • Obey the speed limit.
  • Drive slowly near schools and neighborhoods (and explain why this is important).
  • Do not text while driving.
  • Make sure children are in the correct car seat.


For many more driving safety tips, please visit the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration at:


Thank you for keeping our roads and our citizens safe, and we look forward to the great times that spring will bring!


Sheriff Lance Bonds 

Stone County
Sheriff's Office

Emergency 911

870-269-3825 (24 hours)

Contact Us

Hours: M-F 8:00am - 4:30pm
P.O. Drawer 1317 • 1009 Sheriffs Drive
Mountain View, AR 72560